Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Doom With A View

I mean that in the best way possible. I finally got my HP camera working, so I was finally able to take a panoramic shot of the glorious view from my desk. The only format that would do it justice. This is what I get to stare at 8-10 hours a day. I really can't complain...except for the times when I find myself staring at the majesty of the mountains of mother nature, rather than the mountains of emails that have stacked up in the last 30 seconds. Therein lies the "Doom" definition. (nah. I really do love my job...for the most part). It is a much needed, in my face reminder of the insignificance of the mundane worries in life. We are part of something huge. That's for sure...


  1. Not to shabby lil bro. It could be the closet office of Micheal Scotts Paper company.:)

  2. Exactly. I am way spoiled...bad. I probably say, out loud, "I love my view..." at least 3-4 times a day.:) Also, to my left is a group of our software developers and they are always drawing on the windows. You can see their flow charts on the left of the photo. It makes me laugh.

  3. I would totally be daydreaming if I worked there. I guess that could be a plus in your business. Love it!
