Friday, October 16, 2009

A Little Bit Of Morbid...A Whole Lot Of Awesome!

Let me first say that, no, I am not on a StarWars just happened that way. When I recently saw this item, I honestly did not know how to react. I don't know if was the concept of emulating one of the most disturbing scenes in StarWars with this product, or if it was the fact that the product is intended for children. Maybe it was the idea that I am actually pretty jealous of the kid in this promo shot. I'll be the first to say, Christmas is right around the corner and I want this under my tree, but the idea does beg a slight twinge to the stomach. Speaking of which, note the entrail lining. Feel free to follow the image link over to for more info on this great products. That's right...I have recently come to terms with my Geekdom.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I Smell A Winner!

I never knew what a true desire to grill was until I saw this idea on blogadilla. Apparently, it was a marketing idea that never came to fruition. Why? I sincerely have no idea. All I know is that I would have probably bought 3 of them for each meal of the day. Sometimes people don't know genius when they see it, I guess.